Bar Chat
Struggling in Taipei
1980 Olympics
Bar Chat articles from 1999-2010 are currently unavailable by request of Brian Trumbore
Bar Chat
Years Before the Storm
Lincoln: The early years
Bar Chat articles from 1999-2010 are currently unavailable by request of Brian Trumbore
Bar Chat
Travesty on Ice
The Olympics pairs mess...Valentine's Day.
Bar Chat articles from 1999-2010 are currently unavailable by request of Brian Trumbore
Bar Chat
Donny and Marie
The Osmonds
Bar Chat articles from 1999-2010 are currently unavailable by request of Brian Trumbore
Bar Chat
Ronald Reagan - The Speech
Oct. 1964, Reagan stump speech
Bar Chat articles from 1999-2010 are currently unavailable by request of Brian Trumbore
Bar Chat
The Beatles
The Beatles' come to America...1964 #1 tunes
Bar Chat articles from 1999-2010 are currently unavailable by request of Brian Trumbore
Bar Chat
Dirtball Advisers
NFL players get taken
Bar Chat articles from 1999-2010 are currently unavailable by request of Brian Trumbore
Bar Chat
Football, Football, Football
1958 Championship, Super Bowls, player profiles
Bar Chat articles from 1999-2010 are currently unavailable by request of Brian Trumbore
Bar Chat
The Space Program's Setback
Bar Chat articles from 1999-2010 are currently unavailable by request of Brian Trumbore
Bar Chat
Waylon Jennings...and whiskey ratings
Bar Chat articles from 1999-2010 are currently unavailable by request of Brian Trumbore
Bar Chat
Old Glory
Some history on the flag...Alex Hannum
Bar Chat articles from 1999-2010 are currently unavailable by request of Brian Trumbore
Bar Chat
Potpourri for $20
Glenfiddich, baseball cards, Dr. King
Bar Chat articles from 1999-2010 are currently unavailable by request of Brian Trumbore
Bar Chat
Helpful Hints For Dealing With Cougars
Mountain lions and bears
Bar Chat articles from 1999-2010 are currently unavailable by request of Brian Trumbore
Bar Chat
Mr. Piano
Floyd Cramer...the Baltimore Claws
Bar Chat articles from 1999-2010 are currently unavailable by request of Brian Trumbore
Bar Chat
Random Musings...Bar Chat Edition
Jesse, Arnold, quality of life
Bar Chat articles from 1999-2010 are currently unavailable by request of Brian Trumbore