Wall Street History
Just the Facts, Part II
More data for you market junkies out there. Clip and save!
Returns for the decade of the
60s – Dow Jones +17.8% (not including dividends) 70s – Dow Jones +4.8% (yup, that’s it) 80s – Dow Jones +228%, Nasdaq +200% 90s – Dow Jones +318%, Nasdaq +796% 00s – Dow Jones -27%, Nasdaq ..-67%* *12/99-12/02
10/11/90 start of the 90s bull move:
Dow Jones 2365 trailing p/e 11.6; dividend yield, 4.2% S&P 500 295 trailing p/e, 14.1 Nasdaq ..325 Bulls: 32.2% / Bears: 53.7% [Source: Investors Intelligence]. This is normally an excellent contrarian indicator, as it proved to be back then. You can check the weekly figures in my “Week in Review” column.
*Of course the 10/11/90 lows were established during the height of the buildup in the Gulf prior to the war.
Dow Jones 11497 S&P 500 1469 Russell 2000 504 Nasdaq 4069
Dow Jones 8341 S&P 500 879 Russell 2000 383 Nasdaq 1335
Five-year annual average return as of 12/31/02
S&P 500 (including dividends) -0.6% Average Short U.S. Government Fund +5.6%
Recent Market Lows
9/21/01 bottom after 9/11
Dow Jones 8235 S&P 500 965 Nasdaq .1423
Dow Jones 7286 S&P 500 776 Nasdaq .1114
U.S. Treasury Yields
2-year 6.24% 10-year..6.43%
2-year 5.09% 10-year..5.11%
2-year 3.05% 10-year..5.03%
2-year 1.58% 10-year..3.82%
12/96 $368 12/97 $289 12/98 $288 12/99 $289 12/00 $272 12/01 $279 12/02 $347
Oil [Light Sweet]
12/99 $25.20 12/00 $26.80 12/01 $19.84 12/02 $31.20
Market Highs
AOL 1/3/00 $83 AT&T 3/29/00 $61 Apple 3/23/00 $75 Amazon.com 12/9/99 $113 Cisco 3/27/00 $82 Corning 8/30/00 $113 Dell 3/22/00 $60 EMC 9/25/00 $105 eBay 3/27/00 $127 Intel 8/28/00 $76 JDS Uniphase 3/7/00 $153 Lucent 12/29/99 $74 Microsoft 12/30/99 $120 Nortel 7/25/00 $89 Oracle 9/1/00 $46 Sun Micro 9/1/00 $65 Yahoo 1/4/00 $250
Wall Street History will return next week.
Brian Trumbore